Drowsy Driving Stats.

  • Drowsy driving causes 30 % of all fatal crashes along the New York Thruway.
    -- NYS Police estimate, National Sleep Foundation (NSF)
  • Approximately 100,000 police-reported crashes annually involve drowsiness/fatigue.
    -- The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
  • A conservative estimate of related fatalities is 1,500 annually. -- NHTSA
  • At least 71,000 people are injured in fall-asleep crashes each year. -- NHTSA
  • 62% of adults reported driving a car while feeling drowsy in the prior year.
    27% of adults admit to having dozed off while driving.
    23% of adults stated that they know someone who experienced a fall-asleep crash.
    -- 1999 National Sleep Foundation poll

Yes, the answer is False!

Many people answer "TRUE." because they believe they can control sleep. The truth is, sleep is not voluntary. If you're drowsy, you can fall asleep and never even know it, no matter how hard you try to stay awake. You also cannot tell how long you've been asleep.


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