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Public Health Fact Sheet


  • Similar to pertussis or whooping cough, but is not as common and causes less severe symptoms. (See Pertussis fact sheet)
  • Bacterial infection affecting the mouth, nose and throat.
  • Spread through the air in droplets produced during coughing and sneezing.
  • Treated with antibiotics.
  • A person can be infected with parapertussis and pertussis at the same time.
  • Approximately 40% of persons infected with parapertussis do not have symptoms.
  • Persons in all age groups can get it, though it occurs most frequently among children less than 10 years of age.
  • All infants less than 6 months of age should receive antibiotics as a preventive measure if they have been in contact with a person with parapertussis.
  • Pertussis containing vaccines do not provide protection against parapertussis.
  • There is no vaccine for parapertussis.

Protect yourself and others by following these healthy actions:

  • Cover your nose when sneezing OR sneeze into your elbow
  • Cover your mouth when coughing OR cough into your elbow
  • Wash your hands after sneezing and coughing
  • Stay home when ill
  • Get vaccinated!


Updated Apr. 09, 2012
Reviewed Apr. 13, 2012

Page updated: July 17, 2012  |  Webmaster