TC Social Services Commissioner Announces Retirement in Summer 2025
Published on January 15, 2025
The Commissioner of Tompkins County Department of Social Services (DSS), Kit Kephart, has announced that she will retire in July of this year, after nearly eight years of dedicated service in that role and 25 years with the Department.
Kephart has overseen DSS through significant changes, including managing operations during the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure that the community continued to receive needed benefits, supports and safety interventions. Additional highlights include implementing needed security upgrades to the Human Services Building (320 W. State St./MLK Jr. St, Ithaca) to increase building safety for the public and staff, and navigating state and local policy changes that impacted the community at the local level, such as Medicaid reductions and changes to Child Welfare approaches to increase support for families. Most recently, Kit spearheaded the development and implementation of an Emergency Code Blue warming center at a repurposed County-owned building to meet expanding homeless service needs.
Commissioner Kephart stated, “It has been an honor to serve with such a dedicated and compassionate staff. Our commitment to using a strengths-based, person focused, and trauma informed care approach creates a network of support for those in need of services, and by doing so, increases the strength and resiliency of our community.”
Tompkins County Legislature Chairman Dan Klein stated, “Kit Kephart has been an incredible leader, steering the County’s Social Services Department through very significant times of transition, crisis and change. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Kit for her dedication and compassionate civil service to Tompkins County for over 25 years.”
Tompkins County Legislature Vice Chair Greg Mezey adds, “Kephart served our community with strength and kindness, pragmatism and advocacy. Kephart’s legacy includes navigating the pandemic as well as ensuring emergency shelter and warming space for those without housing during cold weather remained available this year despite the unexpected closing of local homeless shelter services. Kephart has worked tirelessly, and we are grateful to her for her service.”
Tompkins County DSS administers federal and state programs at the local level, providing critical supports for individuals and families in the community. These programs include economic benefits, homeless and housing services, heating and utility service supports, child support, adult protective services, and child welfare services. A link to the County’s Social Services webpage is listed here:
The County will launch a nationwide search for the next Social Services Commissioner and the vacancy will be listed on the County’s Human Resources website, Human Resources | Tompkins County.