Published on February 21, 2024
Tompkins County has published an annual report and video highlighting grant recipients of the $6.53 million Community Recovery Fund. The report details the grant fund’s priority areas and many of the not-for-profits and businesses supported by the County through the fund.
Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature Dan Klein spoke about the fund’s progress and success in 2023, “Creating a program from scratch was a big job. It turns out it’s harder to give away money than it seems. That sounds like a joke, but it is not. The Community Recovery Fund is an achievement for Tompkins County. We were able to invest millions of dollars in community organizations and programs in a relatively short timeframe. Success for this grant fund looks like investments in people and organizations paying off for years to come. I am very proud of the Legislature’s work throughout the grant distribution process. I know that I speak for the whole body when I say that I can’t wait to see and learn more about positive community outcomes.” Klein, who also served as the Chair of the Community Recovery Fund Advisory Committee added, “The report and video help tell the story of the community recovering from COVID-19 and building resiliency for the future. I encourage anyone to learn more about the organizations and the work they are doing.”
Read the 2023 Community Recovery Fund Annual Report Online (Download a PDF)
Watch the 2023 Community Recovery Fund Annual Report Video
The grant fund was made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act, which delivered funding to state and local governments for COVID-19 pandemic recovery and response activities. Tompkins County received $19.8 million, $6.53 million of which was made available to community organizations through grants as part of the Community Recovery Fund. The additional $13.3 million was used for infrastructure investments, operational initiatives, direct community investments, and growing the County’s organizational capacity to better serve the community. Other local governments, organizations, and school districts also received funding through the Act.