Tompkins County 2025 Budget Forum Planned for September 30

Published on September 16, 2024


The Tompkins County Legislature invites members of the community to a public forum regarding the 2025 budget. The forum will include a brief update on the budget’s development and the opportunity for community members from all backgrounds, identities, and experiences to comment and ask questions on the budget. The County values your input.

The forum will take place at the Tompkins County Legislature Chambers, 121 East Court Street, Ithaca on Monday, September 30 at 5:30p.m. Members of the public are invited to attend in person or virtually (if attending virtually, pre-register to join the meeting on zoom). Each attendee will have up to three minutes to provide comment. Those unable to attend may still provide feedback on a community engagement portal at the bottom of the Budget Book Web Page.

Highlights of the initial presentation on the recommended 2025 budget from the Tompkins County Administrator are available on the Tompkins County website. A digital budget book where the public can browse the departments, agencies, and projects supported by the County can be found online.



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