Community Recovery Fund Seeking Applications for $6.5m Grant Program

Published on September 08, 2022


Funding will support projects focused on COVID-19 recovery and community resiliency.

The Tompkins County Legislature is announcing the launch of the Tompkins Community Recovery Fund (“TCRF”), which will provide over $6.5 million in grant funding to a variety of eligible organizations, government entities, and small businesses in Tompkins County. Eligible organizations can apply now through October 31, 2022. The program guidelines, application, and other relevant documents and information are available on the program web page at

Eligible organizations include nonprofits, impacted small businesses, small educational institutions, healthcare providers, and government entities. These organizations will be able to apply for grants of $10,000 or more to support projects and provide services that will aid in the recovery from COVID-19 and/or enhance community resiliency moving forward. Such projects and services may be related, but not limited to: childcare, small business and nonprofit relief, education, healthcare, social justice, broadband internet, critical infrastructure, and/or housing.

“This is a transformative investment in our community,” said Shawna Black, Chairwoman of the Tompkins County Legislature. “We’re looking forward to seeing applications from local organizations recovering from the pandemic or investing in critical projects moving forward. The Legislature has heard loud and clear that the pandemic’s impacts on our local economy and organizations have been serious and ongoing for a few years now, this is our opportunity to support a more resilient and sustainable recovery for Tompkins County.”

Legislator Dan Klein, who chairs the committee of the Legislature overseeing the fund stated, “I want to thank local businesses and organizations for your patience as we’ve worked to get this fund set up and running. We have a real opportunity to make lasting change, and for the County to help in key areas of community recovery. I hope all of the local businesses, nonprofits, small governments, and healthcare providers consider applying to this fund – and I’m glad that we’re on track to announce awards around the end of this year.”

Tompkins County Administrator, Lisa Holmes, added “This program leverages funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to invest directly in the parts of our community most impacted by the pandemic. You can find more information about the program and application materials online, thanks to MRB Group for their efforts to get this program up and running and all of the information collected in one place.”

Learning More About the TCRF

There are a number of ways for interested organizations to get additional information about the TCRF program.

First, there is a program webpage on the Tompkins County website, This page will be updated with the latest information about the program. You can also sign up to receive email notifications of any new resources or information.  

Second, the County Legislature has engaged a consulting team, MRB Group and WCP Consultants, to assist with program administration. Members of the consulting team will be available to provide technical assistance and guidance to potential applicants. Contact Tracy Verrier,, to request application assistance or additional information.

Finally, there will be three information sessions about the program: one webinar hosted by the Tompkins County Human Services Coalition focused on non-profit applicants (September 14), one webinar co-hosted by the Tompkins County Chamber, Ithaca Area Economic Development, and Downtown Ithaca Alliance focused on small business applicants, and one general session that will be held in person at the Tompkins County Public Library (September 23). Visit the program web page noted above for more information about or to register for these information sessions. The two webinars will also be recorded and posted to the program webpage for later viewing.