
Achieving Youth Results (AYR):
The Tompkins County Youth Services Department collaborated with the community to establish goals for the county's youth and identify indicators (data) to measure progress toward these goals.
The six goals are detailed Below.


Population and Demographics





AYR Goal: Community

AYR Goal: Our Community (Tompkins County) will provide children, youth and families with healthy, safe, and thriving environments.



AYR Goal: Economic Security

AYR Goal: Youth will be prepared for their eventual self-sufficiency.

AYR Goal: Education

AYR Goal: Youth will leave school prepared to live, learn, and work in their community.




AYR Goal: Family

AYR Goal: Families will provide children safe, stable and nurturing environments


AYR Goal: Physical & Emotional Health

AYR Goal: Children and youth will have optimal physical and emotional health.


AYR Goal: Civic Engagement