Our Services
At the foundation of the Youth Services Department are our astute business practices. Our careful oversight of contracted agencies and services, coupled with our commitment to being stewards of public funds is at the core of all that we do.
Community Coordination
Through our community coordination services we build relationships and maintain connections with the various community groups (i.e. agencies, organizations, municipalities, businesses, youth, etc.) we serve through:
- The provision of training and technical assistance as needed by the community
- Recruiting, training and managing volunteers on local youth commissions
- The delivery of planning and needs assessment information to a specific community
- The coordination of community meetings and town halls related to important relevant topics
- The participation in and direction setting of a variety of community groups and boards
- Serving as liaisons for youth issues on local government, non-profit, and community boards and program
Community coordination is integral to the work of the Tompkins County Youth Services Department. Through working with our community partners we are able to more effectively meet the needs of youth and their care providers. We serve as primary community support to the Recreation Partnership, the Community Coalition for Healthy Youth and the Municipal Youth Services System.
Research, Assessment & Quality Management
In order to fully understand the needs of young people, their families from throughout Tompkins County, and how to support those needs in the most effective and efficient manner TCYSD collects, coordinates, and synthesizes statistical and empirical data as well as primary and secondary research on best practices related to youth. These data are then translated into community needs, strengths, and gaps and become one of the key factors in determining what services are supported by TCYSD. In addition, they become key areas to share and work on as a community or agency.
In addition to data collection, staff members of TCYSD monitor all funded programs to ensure quality services. Our monitoring services guarantee that all funding and departmental resources are being used in an effective and consistent manner, which align with the departmental mission and support the needs of Tompkins County Youth.
A Continuum of Care for Youth in Tompkins County
The Youth Services Department invests our time, resources, and funding in a variety of communities to enable youth to thrive in school, work, and life. Our investments are part of a continuum of care for youth in Tompkins County and are outlined through the pyramid of services below. Our department focuses on the bottom three tiers of the pyramid with direct allocations for Recreation, Youth Development, and Targeted Intervention. As it is important to support and plan within the entire pyramid, we also work closely with those agencies and organizations who implement programming and services in the top tier of the pyramid.