Workforce Board and Committees

Board Composition

The Tompkins County Workforce Development Board works to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of Tompkins County by developing and coordinating resources that meet employer needs while facilitating employment and development opportunities for individuals. The board is composed of fifty-one percent private sector and forty-nine percent non-for profit, community-based, and other organizations.

Board Members

Scott Pronti - Chair
Vice President of Human Resources
Tompkins Trust Company

Kirra Franzese - Vice Chair
Associate Vice President, Human Resources and Planning
Ithaca College

Kim Babuka - Secretary
Senior Director, Workforce Planning and Compensation
Cornell University

Paul Levesque - Treasurer
HOLT Architects

Todd Bruer
Business Manager and Fund Administrator
IBEW - Local 241

Suzanne Cerquone
Human Resources Manager
Ithaca Marriott Downtown

Kip Cerasaro
Employment Services Manager
New York State Department of Labor

John Cometti
Business Agent and Organizer
Teamsters Local 317
Teamster logo transparent

Danielle Harrington
Executive Director
Tompkins Community Action

Leon Holden
Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Family and Children's Service of Ithaca

Kit Kephart
Social Services Commissioner
Tompkins County Department of Social Services

Chris Malcolm
Service Area Manager

Heather McDaniel
Ithaca Area Economic Development

Ron Olson
Director of Operations
Cornell NanoScale Facility, Cornell University

Kate Shanks-Booth
Director of Youth Services
Tompkins County Youth Services

Jennifer Tavares
President & CEO
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce

Kathy Taylor
General Manager
Ithaca Downtown Conference Center

Andrew Tunison
District Office Manager
ACCES-VR Southern Tier

Denise Vreeland
Vice President of Services

Steve Waight
Human Resources Manager
Cayuga Health

Carrie Whitmore
Director of Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Tompkins Cortland Community College

Yen Wu
Lev Kitchen

Ex-Officio, Non-Voting

Bridgette Nugent
Deputy County Administrator
Tompkins County

Committee Information

The Tompkins County Workforce Development Board has established five committees to carry out the vision and mission of the Board. Committees are comprised of members of the Board, and “ad hoc” members (as designated by the individual committees). The chairperson for each committee is selected by the Board Chairperson annually at the first meeting of the year.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing workforce development programs and implementing strategies to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Tompkins County Workforce Development Board. The Executive Committee shall have all the authority of the Workforce Development Board and act on behalf of the Board as needed.

Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 8:15 a.m. at 119 East Seneca Street, Suite 200, Ithaca, NY 14850

Executive Committee Duties

The Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing workforce development programs and implementing strategies to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Tompkins County Workforce Development Board. The Executive Committee shall have all the authority of the Workforce Development Board and act on behalf of the Board as needed.

The Committee:

  • Oversees the activities of the Board and committees to ensure the satisfactory performance of workforce development programs pursuant to Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

  • Develops and reviews program plans, reports, and documents for recommendations

  • Acts on behalf of the Board between regularly scheduled Board meetings when necessary

  • Reports actions taken in Executive Committee meetings at the next Board meeting

  • Increases the involvement of the business community in the planning, development, and implementation of the employment needs of the private sector

  • Promotes the general welfare and prosperity of Tompkins County, and to work toward assuring that all Tompkins County residents can work and earn a wage they can live on

Members of the committee shall include:

  • Officers of the Board

  • WDB members

Minimum Meeting Requirements:

  • Monthly and as needed

Committee Members

  • Scott Pronti, Chair - Vice President of Human Resources, Tompkins Trust Company

  • Kirra Franzese, Vice Chair - Associate Vice President, Human Resources and Planning, Ithaca College

  • Kim Babuka, Secretary - Senior Director, Workforce Planning and Compensation, Cornell University

  • Paul Levesque, Treasurer - President, HOLT Architects

Youth Oversight Committee

The Youth Oversight Committee (YOC) is responsible for oversight, administration, and effectiveness of all youth programs by the Tompkins County Workforce Development Board. The YOC is also responsible for analysis of existing youth serving programs and after consultation with youth employment services agencies identifying gaps in service and funding.

Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 8:45 a.m. at 119 East Seneca Street, Suite 200, Ithaca, NY 14850

Youth Oversight Committee Duties

The Youth Oversight Committee (YOC) is responsible for oversight, administration, and effectiveness of all youth programs by the Workforce Development Board. The YOC is also responsible for analysis of existing youth serving programs and after consultation with youth employment services agencies identifying gaps in service and funding.

The Committee:

  • Advises on the administration of funds to deliver program services to improve the training, literacy, and job readiness skill of youth

  • Recommends providers of youth services to be awarded grants or contracts on a competitive basis by the local board

  • Conducts oversight with respect to providers of youth services

Members of the committee shall include:

  • WDB members

  • Representatives of community-based organizations, agencies, and education providers with demonstrated record of success in providing oversight of programs serving youth

Minimum Meeting Requirements:

  • Bi-monthly

Committee Members

  • Kate Shanks-Booth, Chair - Director of Youth Services, Tompkins County Youth Services

  • Gladys Larson - Probation Supervisor, Tompkins County Probation and Community Justice

  • Shelley Lester - Rural Youth Services Coordinator, Cornell Cooperative Extension

  • Chris Malcolm - Service Area Manager, Wegmans

  • Victoria Zeppelin - Director of CollegeNow, Tompkins Cortland Community College

One Stop Operations & Oversight Committee

The One Stop Operations & Oversight Committee is responsible for advising the Tompkins County Workforce Development Board on matters relating to the delivery of services through the One Stop Career Center. The One Stop Operations & Oversight Committee shall also provide policy guidance as it relates to the overall services available to all customers of the local workforce system.

Meetings are held bi-monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at 119 East Seneca Street, Suite 200, Ithaca, NY 14850

One Stop Operations & Oversight Committee Duties

The One Stop Operations & Oversight Committee is responsible for advising the Tompkins County Workforce Development Board on matters relating to the delivery of services through the One Stop Career Center. The One Stop Operations & Oversight Committee shall also provide policy guidance as it relates to the overall services available to all customers of the local workforce system.

The Committee:

  • Is responsible for certification of training providers and oversight of training outcomes

  • Responsible for programmatic and fiscal monitoring of One Stop Operations

  • Ensures that the interests of job seekers and employers are equally represented in the One Stop system

  • Ensures that the One Stop system provides quality comprehensive services in a seamless, integrated, effective, and efficient manner

  • Ensures that the One Stop system meets or exceeds performance standards

  • Ensures the continuing implementation of One Stop system activities by identifying and monitoring the flow of services

  • Oversees team management of the One Stop system

  • Identifies and implements effective employment and training strategies that result in employment opportunities for economically disadvantaged adults, youths, and dislocated workers

  • Recommends funding allocations for program services

  • Conducts oversight of program operations, including development and review of program policies

Members of the committee shall include:

  • One Stop management

  • WDB members

  • Representatives of One Stop Partner agencies

Minimum Meeting Requirements:

  • Bi-monthly

Committee Members

  • Kirra Franzese, Chair - Associate Vice President, Human Resources and Planning, Ithaca College

  • Suzanne Cerquone - Human Resources Manager, Ithaca Marriott Downtown

  • Danielle Harrington - Executive Director, Tompkins Community Action

  • Carrie Whitmore - Director of Continuing Education & Workforce Development, Tompkins Cortland Community College

  • Cindy Walter - Assistant Superintendent for Instructional and Career Services, TST BOCES

Governance and Membership Committee

The Governance and Membership Committee is responsible for advising the Tompkins County Workforce Development Board on matters related to recruitment and training of new board members, developing a slate of officers annually, and reviewing and recommending changes in the By-Laws as appropriate.

Meetings are held quarterly or as needed at 119 East Seneca Street, Suite 200, Ithaca, NY 14850

Governance and Membership Committee Duties

The Governance and Membership Committee is responsible for advising the Tompkins County Workforce Development Board on matters related to recruitment and training of new board members, developing a slate of officers annually, and reviewing and recommending changes in the By-Laws as appropriate.

The Committee:

  • Reviews By-Laws for appropriate changes

  • Recruits new board and committee members

  • Provides orientation for new board members

  • Presents annual slate of officers to the Board

  • Keeps members abreast of attendance and other membership requirements and responsibilities

Members of the committee shall include:

  • WDB Members

Minimum Meeting Requirements:

  • Quarterly or as needed

Committee Members

  • Kim Babuka - Senior Director, Workforce Planning and Compensation, Cornell University

  • Scott Pronti - Vice President of Human Resources, Tompkins Trust Company

  • Heather McDaniel - President, Ithaca Area Economic Development

  • Jennifer Tavares - President & CEO, Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce

Disabilities Workforce Committee

Disabilities Workforce Committee is a responsible for advising the Tompkins County Workforce Development Board on matters related to accessibility and the provision of disability services to One Stop customers with disabilities. The Disabilities Workforce Committee shall also provide policy guidance as it relates to services to individuals with disabilities.

Meetings are held bi-monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. at 119 East Seneca Street, Suite 200, Ithaca, NY 14850

Disabilities Workforce Committee Duties

The Disabilities Workforce Committee is a responsible for advising the WDB on matters related to accessibility and the provision of disability services to One-Stop customers with disabilities. The Disabilities Workforce Committee shall also provide policy guidance as it relates to services to individuals with disabilities.

The Committee:

  • Advocates for customers with disabilities

  • Raises awareness of disability as a civil rights and diversity issue

  • Promotes collaboration between service providers

  • Seeks ways to increase inclusive employment opportunities with local businesses

  • Supports and collaborates with the Workforce Development Disability Resource Coordinator

Members of the committee shall include:

  • WDB members

  • Advocates for individuals with disabilities

  • Providers of employment services

  • Representatives of national disability advocacy organizations for adults with disabilities

  • Experts with a background in academia or research and expertise in employment and wage policy issues for individuals with disabilities

  • Representatives from the employer community or national employer

  • Other individuals or representatives of organizations with expertise on increasing opportunities for competitive integrated employment for individuals with disabilities

Minimum Meeting Requirements:

  • Bi-monthly

Committee Members

  • Andrew Tunison, Chair - District Office Manager, ACCES-VR Southern Tier

  • Bruce Flaherty - Employment Specialist, Tompkins County Whole Health PROS

  • Jan Lynch - Executive Director, Finger Lakes Independence Center 

  • Amanda McManus - Director of Employment Services, Unity House

  • Karen Rachetta - Coordinator for Access and Equity Services, Tompkins Cortland Community College

  • Briggs Seekins - Director of Employment and Vocational Services, Challenge

  • Jennifer Slade - Integrated Employment Specialist, ACCES-VR Southern Tier