Tompkins County Reentry Program

Program Information

The Tompkins County Reentry Program provides unique, person-centered services. It serves the needs of those who may have barriers and challenges in returning to the community after being released from Tompkins County Jail.

  1. Participants meet with the Reentry case manager before being released from the jail.
  2. The participant completes a needs assessment to decide what they will need after being released from the jail.
  3. The participant and the case manager create an action plan to meet those needs and reach their goals. To join the program, the participant must be a resident of Tompkins County when they are released.

To join the program, the participant must be a resident of Tompkins County when they are released.

What Can The Participant Expect

  • 60 to 90-day case management following release from jail: Participants receive individual support based on their mental health, recovery, and social needs: There is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach.
  • Help with:
    • Breaking down barriers that get in the way of moving forward
    • Filling out applications for benefits
    • Searching for housing
    • Education/employment goal planning
  • A “harm-reduction” approach.
  • Supports, advocates, arranges services, and assists with follow-through.
  • Referrals and linkage to community services to support the coordination of client care with these services.
  • It is voluntary and person-centered: The participant is not required to do anything they do not feel comfortable doing.

Contact Us

Marie Boyer
Reentry Case Manager
(607) 274-6320
Email Marie Boyer

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm