Adult Single Point of Entry (SPOE)

Adult SPOE Application Form(PDF, 858KB)

Single Point Of Entry (SPOE) services are for people with serious mental illness, and are most often referred from a clinic or behavioral health unit to the Tompkins County SPOE Committee by a mental health professional.

SPOE Housing

The Adult Single Point of Entry (SPOE) in Tompkins County is the process by which people with serious mental illness access supported housing.

Community Residence

Lakeview Health Services offers a community residence program providing 24-hour support to program residents.

Potential residents must be eligible for Medicaid and Cash Assistance or SSI/SSD.

Residents receive support to work on rehabilitative goals intended to develop skills to live more independently in an integrated setting within the community.

Time Period:
The community residence program is transitional with time-limited lengths of stay.

Single Room Occupancy (SRO)

The SRO is a 38-bed program located in Ithaca with on-site support specifically targeted to individuals who have had limited success in other housing environments.

The SRO is part of a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) project, and individuals are subject to a financial/background screening process. Individuals must have an income, or commitment of entitlement eligibility, identification and birth certificate.

Everyone has a private room with a bathroom and kitchenette. The SRO provides meals through its kitchen for those who participate in the meal plan.

Program staff provide a range of services that include medication oversight and daily living skills. This program differs from Lakeview’s other residential options in that it does not fall within the traditional rehabilitation model. For this reason, both staff and residents focus on the skills and support needed to be successful to maintain housing and do not necessarily revolve around transition to more independent living.

Treatment Apartment Programs

Treatment Apartment Programs are licensed treatment programs in which staff provide supportive services in the goal environment of an individual apartment.

Potential residents must be eligible for Medicaid and Cash Assistance or SSI/SSD.

Residents receive support to work on rehabilitative goals intended to develop/maintain skills to live independently within the community.

Time Period:
The treatment apartment program is transitional with time-limited lengths of stay.

Treatment Apartment Programs in Ithaca Include

West End Heights (WEH) Licensed Treatment Apartments

  • Supportive apartment program, staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with staff on site in the building.
  • As part of a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) project, individuals are subject to a financial/background screening process. Individuals must have an income, or commitment of entitlement eligibility, identification and birth certificate.

Horizon Treatment Apartment

  • Offered by Lakeview Health Services.
  • Does not include 24 Hour supervision.
  • Residents have access to an after-hours on-call system outside the normal business hours of the program.

Scattered Site Supportive Housing

Lakeview Health Services and Unity House offer Supportive Housing, providing assistance to eligible individuals with obtaining and maintaining independent affordable housing. Staff have contact with individuals on an at least monthly basis to support identified housing related needs.

This program assists individuals in finding and maintaining independent housing for self and qualifying family members in the community.

Time Period:
This is a long-term program for most individuals. Participants must have an established income and/or be willing to secure entitlements.

Rental assistance may be provided for eligible individuals.

SPOE Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

The Single Point of Entry is also the process by which people gain access to Assertive Community Treatment (ACT).

Assertive Community Treatment is an evidenced-based practice that offers treatment, rehabilitation, and community integration services to individuals diagnosed with serious mental illness (SMI). ACT uses a person-centered, recovery-based approach to care.

ACT services include:

  • assertive outreach
  • mental health treatment
  • vocational support
  • integrated dual disorder treatment
  • family education
  • wellness skills
  • community linkages
  • peer support

Services are provided by a mobile, multi-disciplinary team in community settings. The goal of ACT services is to assist individuals in achieving their meaningful goals and life roles.

Non-Medicaid Care Management

The Single Point of Entry can help those adults with serious mental illness who do not have Medicaid to access care management services provided by Lakeview Health Services.