Environmental Health Division

Whole Health logo mark The Environmental Health (EH) Division is an educational and regulatory agency dedicated to protect, preserve, and promote the health of the residents of Tompkins County through the natural and man-made environments.

The Environmental Health (EH) Division is an educational and regulatory agency dedicated to protect, preserve, and promote the health of the residents of Tompkins County through the natural and man-made environments. Contact the EH office at (607) 274-6688, or inquire by email.

Some activities are partly funded by user fees.

Permits & Payments

Access Online Services

Fee Schedule(PDF, 61KB)
Download the PDF or call the EH office at (607) 274-6688, or inquire by email.

Save Time! Understand the process before you submit your permit application.

EH Administration

Contact us by phone (607) 274-6688, or email.

Fee Schedule(PDF, 61KB)
Operating permit, plan review, development, and other fees

Children's Camps

Permits required.

Food Program

Permits required.

Issues permits, inspects facilities and reviews and approves plans. Provides educational information (handouts, posters, stickers, etc.), seminars and training.

Renew your FSE Permit online

Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS)

Permits required.

Ensure systems are designed and constructed to protect neighborhoods and county water resources. Previously referred to as "Sewage Systems".

Rabies Control

Pet vaccination required.

Investigates potential rabies exposures, coordinates post exposure treatment for members of the community, and organizes free rabies clinics. Provides educational information, alerts, and monthly reports.

  • Rabies page
  • Rabies Vaccination Clinics - All pets must be vaccinated against rabies. EH sponsors free rabies vaccination clinics at locations throughout the county 3 times a year; spring, fall, and winter.
  • Reporting Dog or Cat Bites
  • Rabies Vaccination Law in New York State
  • Reporting Possible Cases of Rabies in Wildlife
  • Bats in the Home

Sanitary Code

Swimming Pools & Beaches

Permits required.

Permits and inspects annually all public swimming pools and beaches.

Tobacco Regulations

Enforce laws in worksites, public places, and retail sales to minors (ATUPA.) Investigate complaints and educate.


Permits required.

Monitor public water systems to ensure safe drinking water quality and to aid homeowners with water problems.

Additional Services and Links

Services and Activities

  • Communicable Disease Control: Investigate and analyze all food and water-borne illnesses.
  • Environmental Health Emergencies: Investigate situations which may cause public health problems.
  • Mobile Home Parks: Inspect for safety, sanitation, and drinking water quality.
  • Recreation Facilities: Inspect for adequate staffing, fire safety, drinking and swimming water quality.
  • Residential Development: Approve residential developments, sewer and water extensions, and treatment plants to ensure safe and healthy communities.
  • Sewage (See OWTS)

Topic Links

EH Fee Schedule(PDF, 61KB)

Email EH

Please use this form to email the EH Division. Please include your name and any other contact information in the message. You may also call EH at (607) 274-6688.