Septic System Replacement Program NYS Funds for Cayuga Lake Properties

Seasonal and Second Homes Are Now Eligible


Owners of eligible properties situated on or in close proximity to Cayuga Lake may be reimbursed for the replacement of failing or other inadequate sewage systems. Tompkins County Whole Health is accepting inquiries.

The Clean Water Infrastructure Act of 2017 established the “State Septic System Replacement Fund”, a multi-year program allocating money to communities along impaired waterbodies for the replacement or repair of poorly functioning sewage systems.

Upon approval by Tompkins County Whole Health, eligible property owners can be reimbursed up to 50% of costs for sewage system projects up to $10,000.

Eligibility criteria now include seasonal and second homes.

Eligibility Requirements

Funds can be awarded to repair or replace existing sewage systems that:

  1. Are in failure or are reasonably likely to fail.
  2. Are within 250 feet of Cayuga Lake or are determined to have a reasonable potential to adversely impact Cayuga Lake.
  3. Serve a single parcel of land.
  4. Serve residences or small businesses only (note: seasonal homes and secondary homes are now eligible).

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Want to know more? Contact Environmental Health.