Children's Camp Documents

Staff Certification Fact Sheets (First Aid, CPR, Lifeguarding)

Standards for CPR, first aid, and aquatic certifications are specified in the children’s camp regulations for certain camp staff. The fact sheets listed below describe the training courses that have been determined to be acceptable for these positions.

Each of the following links opens a fillable MS Word document from the NYS Department of Health website. These plans must be submitted to Tompkins County EH.

First Aid Certifications for NYS Children’s Camp Staff (2024)
The SSC Subpart 7-2 requires the health director, other staff specified in section 7-2.8, and certain camp trip and activity leaders to possess valid certification in first aid.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Certification for NYS Bathing Facilities (2024)
The SSC requires certain staff to possess a valid two-rescuer CPR certification in a course accepted by the Department as providing an adequate level of training and certification in the use of an AED as specified on this factsheet.

Aquatics Director for NYS Bathing Facilities (2024)
A camp aquatics director must oversee all swimming activities that occur at swimming pools and bathing beaches operated as part of a children's camp.

Lifeguard Factsheet (Aquatic Certifications) for NYS Bathing Facilities (2024) (See also our Pools and Beaches page.)
When the SSC requires "lifeguard supervision" or a "qualified lifeguard" at a bathing facility, an approved lifeguard certification SPECIFIC to the type of bathing facility is required.

Learn to Swim Fact sheet (2024)
The SSC Subpart 7-2 allows non-swimmers to enter water that is chest deep or greater when participating in a learn-to-swim program that has been determined to use a supervision protocol which protects campers from injury or drowning.

Progressive Swimming Instructor for NYS Children's Camps (2024)
A progressive swimming instructor is required to assess the swimming ability of each camper prior to allowing the child to participate in aquatic activities.

Camp Trip Swimming Program Safety Certifications Fact Sheet (2024)
When swimming is conducted during a camp trip to an aquatics facility that is supervised by qualified lifeguard(s), the camp must supply one additional trained lifeguard or a staff member for each 75 campers at the swimming activity.

American Red Cross (ARC) Certificates & CEUs (Reviewed 2024)
Digital certificates, certification courses, and info about continuing education credits are available on the American Red Cross Certificates and CEUs page.

Sex Offender Registry Search NYSDOH Website | Fact Sheet PDF (Update 2013, Reviewed 2024)
Section 7-2.5(l) of the New York State Sanitary Code and Article 13-B of the Public Health Law requires children’s camp operators to determine whether an employee or volunteer at the camp is listed on the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) Sex Offender Registry.

These Fact Sheets are also available on the Camp Operators page of the NYSDOH website.

If you have any questions regarding children's camp operations, please call Environmental Health at (607) 274-6688 or send an email message.

Safety Plan Templates

Children’s camp operators are required to develop, review annually, update, and implement a written safety plan. Camp operators may complete the applicable templates below to fulfill safety plan requirements.

Each of the following links opens a fillable MS Word document from the NYS Department of Health website. These plans must be submitted to Tompkins County EH.

Activity-Specific Plans

For on-site archery activities, the activity leader must be at least 18-years-old and competent in archery activities including, but not limited to; use and maintenance of equipment, proper constructing of a shooting range, and instruction of correct shooting techniques.

A camp boating activity or trip leader is required to oversee all watercraft activities. The leader must be least 18 years-old, experienced, and competent in the type of boating activity they are overseeing.

Camp Trips
A trip leader must be at least 18 years of age and have participated in at least three camp trips in a similar program activity as a children’s camp staff member, or have experience and training in the activity which the local health department has determined to be equivalent to three camp trips.

Horseback Riding
For horseback riding activities, the activity must be at least 18-years-old and a competent riding instructor who is knowledgeable in horse behavior and control, able to match horses with rider’s abilities, and demonstrate proper riding techniques.

The activity leader for riflery must possess a current instructor's certificate issued by the National Rifle Association or equivalent training, and be competent in riflery activities including, but not limited to, use and maintenance of equipment, range setup and discipline, and instruction of correct shooting techniques.

Rope and Challenge Courses
The activity leader for a rope and challenge course must be competent in the course activities available at the camp, including but not limited to: equipment’s function, use and maintenance; belaying and spotting techniques; and communication/signals.

The activity leader for on-site sporting activities must be competent in the sport they are overseeing. A minimum of the activity leader and one staff member must supervise activities that occur at locations where additional camp staff assistance is not readily available (within five minutes).

Spray Grounds
The most important responsibility of a spray ground operator and supervisory staff is to maintain sanitation of the spray ground. This includes maintaining adequate water quality and responding to fecal incidents. Daily inspections of the facility are necessary to assure that adequate safety and sanitary conditions are maintained.

Swimming - On-site
Prior to allowing campers to enter water that is chest deep or greater, they must have his or her swimming ability assessed and be categorized as a “swimmer.” Only someone who is certified as a Progressive Swimming Instructor, as specified in Subpart 7-2 of the SSC, may assess/classify a camper as a “swimmer.”

Swimming - Off-site and Wilderness
Except for wilderness sites, only those swimming pools and bathing beaches in New York State that have a valid permit to operate issued from the local health department having jurisdiction for the bathing facility, or those operated by a New York State Agency, may be used. When swimming is conducted during camp trips, including at aquatic amusement parks and wilderness swimming sites, that each camper have a signed statement of permission to participate from a parent/guardian.

These Safety Plan Templates are also available on the Camp Operators page of the NYSDOH website.

If you have any questions regarding children's camp operations, please call Environmental Health at (607) 274-6688 or send an email message.

New York State Sanitary Code (SSC) References

Bunk Bed Guardrail Requirements

Since June 19, 2000, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has required all new bunk beds that are manufactured for non-institutional use to have guardrails that comply with CPSC Safety Standard for Bunk Beds.

A review of the children’s camps injury reports submitted to the Department of Health has shown that falls from bunk beds have resulted in serious injuries to campers of all age groups at camps in New York State. While the CPSC design standards are effective at preventing injuries from falls, the standards do not apply to bunk beds manufactured prior to June 19, 2000 or to those manufactured for institutional use.

In order to provide for the safety of the campers and staff, section 7-2.16(b) of Subpart 7-2 of the State Sanitary Code pertaining to the operation of a Children’s Camp in New York State, was amended during 2004 to require the upper bed of bunk beds be provided with adequate guardrails.

Fact Sheet on Guardrail Requirements(PDF, 1MB)

Children's Camp Forms

Download forms necessary for lawful operation of children’s camps through the following links.

Application for a Permit to Operate (DOH-3915)(PDF, 42KB)
Instructions: Complete, sign and return at least 60 days prior to expected opening date.

Children’s Camp Written Plan Checklist (DOH-2040)(PDF, 26KB)
Instructions: Use the following checklist to determine if your written plan addresses the requirements of Subpart 7-2 of the New York State Sanitary Code. Please submit the completed checklist with your written plan or revision.

Prospective Children’s Camp Director Certified Statement (DOH-2271)(PDF, 173KB)
This statement is relative to conviction of a crime or the existence of a pending criminal action. Complete, sign and return at least 60 days prior to expected opening date.

Statewide Central Register Database Check Form (LDSS-3370, Rev 4/2009)(DOT, 388KB)
Complete the form for yourself, your spouse, your children and any other person(s) in your home at the present time. Make sure you complete all maiden name/alias sections that apply. If none, state “none”. The form must be signed and returned to the Health Department at least 60 days prior to the expected opening of camp.
The purpose of collecting the demographic data on other persons in your household who are not screened pursuant to Section 424-a of the Social Services Law is to enable the N.Y.S. Office of Children and Family Services to identify with the greatest degree of certainty, whether the person(s) being screened is the subject of an indicated child abuse or maltreatment report. The utilization of this information in a discriminatory manner is contrary to the Human Rights Law.

Children’s Camp Facility and Staff Description (DOH-367)(PDF, 75KB)
Instructions: Complete the items that are applicable to the camp’s operation; use additional sheets if necessary. Submit the completed form and other required application materials to the local health department (LHD) at least 60 days prior to camp operation. Information that is not available should be identified as “Pending”. For expired certifications, the date of scheduled re-certification courses may be listed when staff are registered to attend. Pending information and confirmation of staff re-certification must be sent to the LHD when available. Questions should be directed to the LHD that has jurisdiction in the county that the camp is located.

Children’s Camp Additional Staff Qualifications (DOH-367a)(PDF, 22KB)
Instructions: Local health departments may require children’s camp operators to document staff ratios and qualifications by submitting this form and /or copies of certification cards. Complete the applicable items and submit this form for review as directed by the local health department (LHD) that has jurisdiction in the county where the camp is located. Use additional sheets if necessary. Information that is not available should be identified as “Pending”. For expired certifications, the date of scheduled re-certification courses may be listed when staff are registered to attend. Pending information and confirmation of staff re-certification must be sent to the LHD when available. Copies of all required certifications must be maintained on file at the camp. All code citations refer to Subpart 7-2 of the New York State Sanitary Code.

(PDF, 199KB) Reporting for Injury and IllnessPoster: Required Reporting for Injury and Illness (DOH Form 3602)
(PDF, 199KB)
PDF for Printing (Legal size 8-1/2 x 14)

Illness and Outbreak Report (DOH-61b)(PDF, 21KB)
Instructions: Local health department staff are responsible for completion of the form and submittal to the Bureau of Community Sanitation and Food Protection. Victim information is confidential and must be protected from unauthorized disclosure.

Injury Report (DOH-61a)(PDF, 25KB)
Instructions: Local health department staff are responsible for completion of the form and submittal to the Bureau of Community Sanitation and Food Protection. Victim information is confidential and must be protected from unauthorized disclosure.

Multiple Victim Injury Report Form (DOH-61h)(PDF, 22KB)
Instruction: Local health department staff are responsible for completion of the form and submittal to the Bureau of Community Sanitation and Food Protection. Victim information is confidential and must be protected from unauthorized disclosure.

Potential Rabies Exposure Report (DOH-61-rabies)(PDF, 25KB)
Instructions for Completing the Children’s Camp Rabies Exposure Report Form: For each exposure incident, complete the requested information for all persons exposed. A separate form must be utilized for each incident. An incident can be exposures of one or more people to one or more animals over the course of a period of time (onsite petting zoo) or to a single animal one time. The local health department Rabies Coordinator must be consulted to arrange for and determine the appropriateness of postexposure prophylaxis (PEP). A copy of the Children’s Camp Potential Rabies Exposure Incident Report should be sent to the Rabies Coordinator for their records. When an exposure occurred over a period of time, indicated the first exposure date and time as that for the incident and specify each victims exposure date and time in the victim information section.

Fire Report Form (DOH-61-fire)(PDF, 16KB)
Instructions: Local health department staff are responsible for completion of the form and submittal to the Bureau of Community Sanitation and Food Protection. Victim information is confidential and must be protected from unauthorized disclosure.

Allegation of Abuse Report Form (DOH-61-abuse)(PDF, 22KB)
Instructions: Local health department staff are responsible for completion of the form and submittal to the Bureau of Community Sanitation and Food Protection. Victim information is confidential and must be protected from unauthorized disclosure.

Epinephrine Administration (DOH-61e)(PDF, 19KB)
Instructions for completing the Children’s Camp Epinephrine Administration Report: Local health department staff are responsible for completion of the form and submittal to the Bureau of Community Sanitation and Food Protection. Victim information is confidential and must be protected from unauthorized disclosure.
Children’s camps must report epinephrine administration to the local health department whether or not they are participating in the auto injector program and regardless if medication was from the camp’s stocked supply or brought to camp by a camper or staff.

Sample Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccination Response Form(DOC, 24KB)

Sample Overnight Children’s Camp Parent Letter(DOC, 34KB)
New York State Public Health Law requires that a parent or guardian of campers who attend an overnight children’s camp for seven (7) or more consecutive nights, complete and return the Vaccination Response Form(DOC, 24KB) to the camp. You may copy form and letter onto your children’s camp letterhead. View a fact sheet about Meningococcal disease.

Sex Offender Registry Fact Sheet(PDF, 32KB)