Individuals and families feel the burden of this chronic disease everyday.
New York residents had an average of 42,725 asthma hospitalizations per year during 1998-2000. Children aged 0-17 averaged 16,539 hospitalizations per year. Asthma hospitalization rates are higher in the poor inner city populations. Hospitalization rates for children ages 0-4 are improving. In children 0-4 years of age, hospitalization rates dropped from 75.5/10,000 (1996-1998) to 72.1 (1998-2000). In children 5-14 years of age, hospitalization rates dropped from 29.0/10,000 (1996-1998) to 25.5/10,000 (1998-2000).
In New York, Asthma caused an average of 358 deaths per year in from 1998-2000. There were 12 deaths in children 0-14 years of age.
Nationally, asthma results in nine million visits to health care providers per year, over 1.8 million emergency room visits per year, and almost a half a million hospital stays per year. The estimated cost of asthma in 2000 was $14.3 billion per year. In New York, total Medicaid health care expenditures for recipients with asthma in New York State exceeded $1 billion in fiscal year 2000, inclusive of asthma related and unrelated medical services.
Asthma takes its toll in many ways. Asthma is the leading cause of school absenteeism. Asthma results in many lost nights of sleep and disruption of activities for the individual, as well as his or her family. Parents frequently miss days from work as a result of their child's asthma.