Task Force Report
Review Of The Tompkins County Mental Health And Public Health Leadership Models 2019(PDF, 1MB) (Open and download the PDF)
The year 2019 marked the fourth year of a shared leadership model for the Tompkins County Mental Health and Public Health Departments. As stated in the December 2015 resolution which created this structure, County Administration was charged with reviewing the opportunities and challenges of the structure and providing a recommendation to the Legislature by the end of 2019 regarding how the departments should function in the future. Three of the seven Resolves are as follows:
"RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, That this Legislature authorizes the County Administrator to implement a plan for the responsibilities of the Public Health Director to be expanded to include the responsibilities heretofore granted to the Commissioner of Mental Health for the period December 1, 2015, through December 31, 2018, plus such additional time in 2019 as the Legislature deems necessary to evaluate the performance of the combined department head model, determine whether that model shall continue, consider other organizational alternatives, and accommodate any organizational transition required by the Legislature’s decision,
“RESOLVED, further, That beginning in early 2019, Tompkins County will conduct a 360 degree style performance review of the current arrangement to evaluate how well the interim administrative solution is working from the perspective of staff, boards, community members, and other stakeholders;
"RESOLVED, further, That in the same time period, Tompkins County will form a task force to examine the operations and consider the future directions of both the Health and Mental Health Departments, to include consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of an administrative partial or full merger, identification of the various aspects of their operations and any functions that might be combined, and any lessons that can be learned from other counties that have merged these particular functions;”