Civil Mileage Fee Chart

Effective January 1, 2014

Address Mileage Fee
Brooktondale $14.00
Cayuga Heights $ 4.00
Cornell University $ 9.00
Danby $14.00
Danby (West) $18.00
Dryden $12.00
Enfield $17.00
Freeville $12.00
Groton $16.00
Ithaca (City) $ 8.00
Ithaca College $ 9.00
Jacksonville $15.00
Lansing $ 9.00
Lansing (North) $14.00
McLean $15.00
Newfield $17.00
Slaterville $16.00
Speedville $29.00
Trumansburg $20.00

If you are unsure of the physical address, please call the Civil Division.