Planning Department Staff
Department staff can be reached at (607) 274-5560 or through our online contact form. To connect with a specific staff member, please include their name in your message.
Our offices are located in the Old Courthouse, also known as the Daniel D. Tompkins Building.
Katherine Borgella, AICP, Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability
Katie oversees all department operations and activities, with a focus on implementing the County Comprehensive Plan.
Terry Carroll, Chief Sustainability Officer
Terry oversees internal efforts to implement the County’s Energy Strategy, including ambitious reductions in greenhouse gas emissions generated by County facilities and vehicle fleets.
Abigail Conner, Environmental Planner
Abigail's core work areas are natural resources, climate adaptation, and community planning.
Hailley Delisle, Sustainability Coordinator
Hailley's core work area involves supporting externally focused efforts to implement the County’s Energy Strategy, including managing the Business Energy Advisors Program.
Frank Doldo, Chief Transportation Officer
Frank oversees federal- and state-funded transit projects, developing and implementing programs and services designed to break down transportation barriers in Tompkins County.
Nick Helmholdt, AICP, Principal Planner - Tourism Program Director
Nick's core work area is tourism planning and management.
Courtney Horner, Transportation Planner
Courtney interfaces with the County's transportation partners, helping to oversee and implement programs designed to break down transportation barriers in Tompkins County. Their three areas of focus are grants, contracts, and oversight.
Joan Jurkowich, Planning Administrator
Joan's core work areas are community planning and departmental budget and administration.
Darby Kiley, Associate Planner
Darby's core work areas are water resources and community planning.
Jennifer Luu, Principal Account Clerk/Typist
Jennifer manages all transportation-related accounting activities in the department and plays a role in a variety of administrative functions.
Kristin McCarthy, Administrative Assistant
Kristin provides support to the advisory boards associated with the Department of Planning and Sustainability as well as to the Tourism Program.
Megan McDonald, Deputy Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability
Megan plays a major role in all department activities, with a focus on housing and sustainability.
Kelly Mosher, Principal Account Clerk/Typist
Kelly manages accounting activities in the department and plays a role in a variety of administrative functions.
Shawna Stevenson, Housing and Community Development Planner
Shawna's core work areas are housing and community development.