Snow and Ice Maintenance
County crews remove snow and ice from designated County and Town highways through plowing, salting, and sanding. The objective of Snow and Ice Maintenance is to provide the traveling public with the ability to travel on highways at reasonable and prudent speeds within the limitations imposed by the extremes of weather, and within the resources of the Highway Department.
Salt and/or abrasives will be applied on roadways during inclement weather, which will cause, or has caused, slippery conditions. Salt will be applied in accordance with the County Policy, "salt use for snow and ice control". Abrasives may also be applied to improve vehicular control.
The Towns of Lansing, Groton, Dryden, Caroline, Danby, Ithaca, and Ulysses all assist in Snow and Ice Maintenance on County Roads. If you have questions or concerns about the Snow and Ice Maintenance on a County Road, please call 274-0300 for information, or the Town Highway Department where you reside.
Winter Tips
- Snowplow equipment and sanders operate at approximately 25 mph.
- Approach snowplow equipment with extreme caution.
- Do not leave snow on the roadway or shoulders of roadway after clearing snow from driveway.
- Do not tailgate plow trucks or sanders, and stay back at least 200 feet.
- Park vehicles off roadway and shoulder so plowing can be conducted safely and effectively. If you park on a shoulder, park where plowing has cleared the shoulder.
- Do not place garbage or recycling receptacles on the shoulder of the road. They should be placed in your driveway, setback from the road shoulder, and removed as soon as possible after pick-up.