Program Guidelines

  1. Any non-profit or profit-making non-partisan organization or group may enter into an Adopt-A-Highway Agreement.
  2. The organization/group will be permitted to perform roadside maintenance activities, including litter pickup, mowing, brush and tree trimming, and planting and maintaining approved vegetation. The County Highway Director may modify this list as needed to accommodate specific situations.
  3. The Agreement is for a two (2) year period.
  4. The organization/group may adopt any section of highway. The normal minimum length of highway adopted is one (1) mile.
  5. The minimum age of the participants without adult supervision is sixteen (16) years. One adult supervisor will be provided by the organization for every six (6) minors between the ages of 12 and 16, and one adult supervisor for every three (3) minors between the ages of 10 and 12.
  6. The organization will place trash bags along the adopted highway to be picked up and disposed of by Tompkins County Highway forces on the next working day, or at the earliest convenience of the Highway Division. (Trash bags will be provided by Tompkins County Highway Division.) The Organization will call 607-274-0300 the first business day following the cleanup event with detailed information regarding the quantity and locations of the bags.
  7. The suggested minimum frequency of pickup along highways is two (2) times per year, with the first pickup occurring in April-May "Spring Cleanup" time period.
  8. All participants will sign the General Release Form.
  9. Tompkins County Highway Department will install Adopt-A-Highway sign at the beginning of each section of highway.
  10. The Department will publicize the execution of each Agreement and will highlight it at various periods thereafter.
  11. The County Highway Director, or designee, will be the Department's contact with the organization, and will manage the Agreement after it is signed. The organization will be required to designate one (1) member as Coordinator.
  12. Participants will receive a safety briefing by the County Highway Director, or designee, prior to the first roadside maintenance activity. Thereafter, the safety guidelines will be reviewed with the Organization by the designated organization coordinator before each pickup. All participants must attend a safety briefing before participating in the cleanup efforts.
  13. All participants are required to wear a traffic safety vest and hard hat (provided by the Tompkins County Highway Division). Work signs will also be provided and utilized as outlined by the County Highway Director, or designee.