GIS Division


Welcome to Tompkins County Geographic Information Services... a division of the Department of Information Technology Services (ITS).

Our Mission

The mission of Tompkins County GIS is to serve the Tompkins County Community through the distribution of relevant GIS data and mapping resources to assist departments and municipal stakeholders on an ongoing basis. Tompkins County GIS also focuses on the production and distribution of meaningful datasets, maps, and interactive mapping applications.

Tompkins County began its investment in GIS in the mid-1990s with the conversion of the County's tax mapping paper archives to a multi-layered GIS dataset. Today, the County has developed a robust GIS that is available and used by many county departments, local governments, and the community at large.

About Us

The GIS Division serves as the lead agency for enterprise GIS development and data distribution. We provide GIS direction, GIS project assistance, and deploy GIS technology for county departments, other municipalities, and the public. We do this with the help of key GIS Staff in other Departments and use every tool at our disposal to provide GIS resources for all!

As such, the team is currently responsible for:

  • Providing Assistance to county departments in deploying GIS data and applications to support departmental activities
  • Development and maintenance of countywide address data
  • Application support for public safety and emergency response
  • Ad hoc map creation for County agencies and local governments
  • Data distribution through online data repositories
  • Web application development and support for county departments, local governments, and the general public through our online map gallery
  • Development of new geospatial datasets and mapping services as requested
  • GIS software license Administration
  • Management and day-to-day maintenance of the County's Enterprise-wide GIS including all hardware and software products used therein

We are continually improving our data-sets as well as providing access to aid in various projects with our municipal partners.