Emergency Preparedness

Make A Plan

You and your family may not be together when an emergency occurs ... planning will help you know where family members are and if they are safe.

  • Know about emergency alerting systems in your area
  • Identify an emergency meeting place
  • Make a communications plan with contact information
  • Practice your plan

Build A Kit

This means food, water and others supplies for 72 hours of self-sufficiency for all members of your family and your pets ... these are basic items that you might need until first responders arrive.

Ready.gov | Basic Disaster Supplies Kit

  • Non perishable food (and a can opener)
  • Water (1 gallon/day for each person and pet)
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Prescription medication, glasses, hearing aides, mobility aids ... have available
  • Wrenches or pliers to turn off utilities (Safety Skills)