Title VI and ADA Complaint Procedures

These procedures cover all complaints filed under Title VI and ADA (includes Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504) relating to any program, service, or activity administered by Tompkins County as well as its subrecipients, consultants, and contractors. The procedures do not deny the right of the complainant to file formal complaints with other state or federal agencies or to seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination. Tompkins County will make every effort to obtain early resolution of complaints at the lowest level possible.


  1. Submit complaint in writing with signature of complainant.
    1. Title VI Discrimination Complaint Forms may be obtained online (below) or from the Department of County Administration.
    2. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination.
    3. Set forth as fully as possible the facts and circumstances surrounding the discrimination claim. If necessary, the County Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator will assist the complainant in drafting the complaint.
  2. Within ten (10) working days, the County Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator will acknowledge receipt of the allegation, inform the complainant of action proposed or taken to process the allegation, and advise the complainant of other avenues of redress available.
  3. Within sixty (60) working days of receipt of the complaint, the County Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator will conduct an investigation and, based on information obtained, will render a recommendation for action.
  4. Within ninety (90) working days of receipt of the complaint, the County Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator will notify the complainant in writing of the final decision reached, including the proposed disposition of the matter.
  5. The County Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator will make appropriate arrangements to ensure that disabled persons are provided other accommodations, if needed, to participate in this grievance process. Such arrangements may include, but are not limited to, providing interpreters for the deaf, providing taped cassettes of material for the blind, or assuring a barrier-free location for the proceedings.

File a Complaint

File a Complaint(PDF, 70KB)