County Administrator

The Old Jail Building

Welcome to County Administration

"Providing excellence in county operations while respecting the needs of the people we serve."

County Administration, under leadership of the County Administrator, oversees and coordinates the operations of County government to successfully carry out the policies and procedures established by the County Legislature.

Among its responsibilities, County Administration prepares preliminary and final budget documents, provides information to Legislators and departments to support decision-making, runs the County's compliance program, performs contract and risk management, and ensures that the public and media are well-informed on County issues.

The County Administrator, manages an annual budget of over $260 million and oversees more than 800 County employees in more than 30 departments, divisions and offices. They work in concert to provide quality services, programs and information to all of Tompkins County’s residents.

Strategic Operations Plan

2024-2029 Tompkins County Strategic Operations Plan Document(PDF, 3MB)