Services of Our Office

The Tompkins County Office for the Aging is your point of entry into aging services available in Tompkins County. We provide thorough and unbiased information regarding the vast array of services for older adults and their caregivers. The following is a list of services provided directly through our office.

For additional information on any of these services contact the Office for the Aging at (607) 274-5482.

Local Agencies

The Office for the Aging contracts with local agencies to provide the following services:

  • Foodnet Meals on Wheels
    Congregate and home-delivered meals, nutrition counseling and education.
    (607) 266-9553

  • Lifelong
    Health insurance counseling, health promotion programs, Senior Circle newsletter, and the Mosaic program.
    (607) 273-1511

  • Tompkins County Long Term Care Services
    Case Management and the Expanded In Home Services for the Elderly Program (EISEP).
    (607) 274-5278

  • INHS
    Health and safety related home repairs for income eligible seniors.
    (607) 277-4500

  • Finger Lakes Independence Center
    Registry Program, linking individuals needing in-home assistance with independent persons for hire.
    (607) 272-2433

  • Legal Assistance of Western New York (LawNY)
    Legal assistance in civil matters.
    (607) 273-3667

  • Gadabout
    Transportation services for older adults age 60+ and persons with disabilities.
    (607) 273-1878

Personal care and chores or housekeeping assistance are provided by the following agencies:

  • Caregivers
  • Home Instead
  • Finger Lakes Independence Center Consumer Directed Program