The Office for the Aging is happy to assist you with health insurance questions or concerns. Our certified HIICAP counselors provide unbiased, person centered planning and can answer questions regarding such programs as Medicare, Medicaid, EPIC, the Medicare Savings Program, as well as others. The Office for the Aging also subcontracts with Lifelong to coordinate and provide HIICAP services for older adults with health insurance problems or questions. Call the Office for the Aging to make an appointment with a HIICAP Counselor.
You can learn more about Medicare by visiting the Medicare website ( and clicking on "Basics" in the menu at the top of the homepage.
Medicaid is an income-based comprehensive health care benefit. Income and resource standards vary depending on age, health, household size, and certain household expenditures. Depending on the type of medical services sought, some applicants will not need to provide resource information; or they may be able to provide written attestation of their household’s resources. Medicaid coverage ranges from skilled nursing home care to routine medical care. Medicaid may pay for health insurance premiums including Medicare. Partial Medicaid coverage is available in some situations. Contact the Department of Social Services at 607-274-5244 for more information or to apply