Listing of Smoke-Free Housing in Tompkins County


Be sure to read the smoking policy in the lease before signing a rental agreement!
Make sure answers to these questions are in the lease:
► Is smoking prohibited everywhere indoors, including every residential unit and all common areas? Does this apply to everyone, including all tenants, guests, vendors, and crews?
► Is there a buffer of 15 feet or more away from the building, so smoke does not drift into open windows or HVAC vents?
► Are electronic cigarettes and vaping devices also prohibited? They also put toxins into the air, and at a distance it's difficult to tell if someone is using an e-cig or a regular cigarette.

Contact Name / company Phone Email Web Locations & Notes
West Shore Apartments (607)
Email Web Collegetown; Belle Sherman; East Hill; North Campus; South Hill; West Shore
Chris & Corinne Moody   Email Web Downtown Ithaca
David Kramer (607)
Email   Downtown; Collegetown; East Hill
Jim Semp (607)
Email   Fall Creek; South Hill. Entire property smoke-free
Charles McCary (607)
Email   Fall Creek, W Spencer St.
Gary Marsden (607)
Email   All apartments are in Downtown Ithaca. Lease prohibits smoking.
David Sagan (607)
Email Web Downtown Ithaca; Fall Creek
Call eves before 9pm & wkends
McGraw Housing Company (607)
Email Web Downtown Ithaca (Senior housing)
Ithaca Renting Company (607)
Email Web Collegetown. Apartments for 1-6 students close to Cornell.

This list will be updated regularly.
Landlords, please contact Ted Schiele to be listed.

Fine Print: The information in this list represents the best efforts of Tobacco Free Tompkins to inform the public of smoke-free rental housing available in Tompkins County. Accuracy is not guaranteed. Please contact landlord or property manager for current details.