Summer ’07 media campaign for T-Free Zones

Download low resolution PDF files for direct mail brochures and print ads for the Tompkins County campaign

Brochure for all worksites (PDF, 300KB)

Brochure for tobacco retailers (PDF, 425KB)

Ithaca Times ad (PDF, 430KB)

Ithaca Journal ads (PDF, 435KB)

Letter from TCHD Medical Director, Dr. Klepack (PDF, 456KB)

Radio Script:

Tobacco addiction claims 25,500 lives every year in New York State. Half a million more suffer with illness from smoking. The economic burden [of this tragedy] impacts insurance premiums and taxpayer funded Medicaid.
Everyone pays the price for tobacco addiction. And with Tobacco Free Zones, everyone can help fight it.
T-Free Zones are a county-wide effort to fight tobacco addiction.
T-Free Zones keep the air smokefree around building entries and other outdoor areas.
T-Free Zones support those who want to quit by helping a smoker control the urge to light up.
And when retailers cut back their in-store advertising as part of a T-Free Zone, that helps teens beat the tobacco trap for good!
To find out more, or to register your Tobacco Free Zone, visit Tompkins dash c-o dot org, slash tobaccofree.
A message from Tobacco Free Tompkins and the Tompkins County Health Department. Because we cannot afford another generation of tobacco addiction.