New York State Archives



The New York State Archives offers grants to non-profits, historical societies, libraries, and local governments to support, promote and recognize sound archival and records management practices and encourage creative and valuable uses of archival records. Two projects funded through the State Archives' Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) included:

  • A grant awarded to Tompkins County totaling $75,000 for a document conversion project
  • $11,000 given to the Town of Caroline for inactive records management project

Link to New York State Archives main grant page

When visiting the New York State Archives site, look for State Archives Publication #53 State, Federal, and Private Sources of Funding for Archives, Historical Societies, Libraries and Other Not-for-Profit Organizations (1999), which provides information about other funding sources from State grant programs, Federal funding agencies, and private foundations designed to support the housing and maintenance of historical records.

The New York State Archives website also has a list of upcoming training opportunities about records management, as well as a wealth of downloadable handouts from prior workshops.

Link to New York State Archives training and materials page


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